Jaws Heat to 350° for Vinyl/Teflon Tubing
Turn on unit (red light will glow). Allow about 30 minutes for selected temperature to stabilize. (Note: temperature control is not regulated by degrees. Set control to 50; try tubing. Increase or decrease heat as necessary.) Leave tube on jaws long enough to soften material before expanding.
Place tube on jaws, step on foot pedal. Jaws will separate and spread tubing.
Release foot pedal and jaws will close. Remove tube from the jaws.
Immediately insert fitting into tube.
Order by Model No. followed by jaw size.
685H with J-3 jaw - can be used with Teflon/Vinyl tubing with an I.D. of .187î and will spread tubing 3/8î or more, depending upon setting of jaw stop adjustment.
For more information, call us at (847) 674-2300 or email sales@lakeviewequipment.com.
1327 W. Washington Blvd
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 847-674-2300
Fax: 847-673-2319
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